Thursday, December 08, 2005

2005: the List of Lists

I love me some lists.

Reasons I like lists:
1. They are oh so orderly
2. They are a marvelous distraction from virtually any task on my to do list
3. I'm fascinated by other people's opinions of the best songs/movies/blogs etc as I like to compare them to my own and puff myself up when I realize "hey, that was my favorite song/movie/blog of the year too!"
4. You can make lists of lists

Which brings me to this awesome site Fimoculous which has done just that--they have loads of lists of lists, and are updating it every day.

Here's my own contribution:

A List of Shows I'm embarassed to admit in public that I have a season pass for on Tivo:
1. Miss Seventeen
2. Run's House
3. My Fair Brady
4. Starting Over
5. America's Next Top Model
6. The Biggest Loser
7. Making the Band 3
8. Real World/Road Rules Challenge
9. Breaking Bonnaduce (this is actually Greg's not mine, but I *have* watched).
10. Gastineau Girls

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